Dr. Tauber Before and After > Face And Neck Lift, Fata Grafting to The Cheeks, And Upper And Lower Lid Blephar
This is a 71 year old woman with a history of facial aging and concerns about her lower neck, midface, and eyes. She was unhappy with the excess skin of her neck and lack of midface fullness. In addition she felt the excess skin of her upper and lower lids made her tired. On exam, her lower face demonstrated both skin laxity and soft tissue descent of the lower face and neck. Her upper and lower lids demonstrated an excess of skin and fat. Her midface was flat and lacked youthful fullness. She underwent a face and neck lift, fat grafting to the midface, and upper and lower lid blepharoplasty. She did very well after surgery with minimal bruising and swelling. At 1 month after surgery, her bruising and swelling are nearly resolved. She has a nice correction of her neck laxity with improved definition of her neck. In addition, she is happy with how refreshed her eyes look.