Tummy Tuck Before and After > Abdominoplasty with Secondary Liposuction
This is a 37 year old white female who is a personal trainer. She is 5’6” and 140lbs. She has had no
previous surgeries. She had two children via natural child birth and lost a significant amount of weight
around the age of twenty. She is a non-smoker. What concerned her was her abdomen. She had laxity
both above and below the umbilicus and no true fullness to her hips. In order to correct her appearance
she would require a full abdominoplasty with rectus plication. She underwent the procedure and her
postoperative course was completely unremarkable. She did have a small amount of residual fullness in
the lower abdominal area which was treated with a small amount of liposuction under local anesthesia
in the office. Photos obtained six months postoperatively show a flat, well defined abdomen which
shows off her efforts to stay extremely fit.