Tummy Tuck Before and After > Abdominoplasty with Rectus Plication
This is a 30 year old healthy white female. She is 5’5” and 135lbs. She had two children via natural birth, her youngest being three. She works out constantly but has been unable to correct the postpartum damage to her abdomen. She has laxity both above and below the umbilicus with a small diastasis of the rectus muscle. In order to correct this she would require a full abdominoplasty with a small amount of liposuction of the hips and a rectus plication. Having discussed all of the risks and benefits she decided to proceed and underwent an uncomplicated abdominoplasty with plication. Her postop course was uneventful. Photos obtained at two months show that her abdomen is healing nicely. There is no residual laxity to the skin and her muscles are now snug and tight. At this point she can begin more active workouts and she is quite pleased with her surgical outcome both in and out of clothing.