Tummy Tuck Before and After > Abdominoplasty following multiple pregnancies

This is a 28 year old healthy white female. She is 5’3” and 155lbs who has had three c-sections and an ectopic pregnancy following a tubal ligation. She was concerned about her abdomen. She had laxity both above and below the umbilicus and significant stretch marks, particularly in the lower portion. In order to correct this she would require a full abdominoplasty with some liposuction of the hips and rectus plication. Having discussed the risks and benefits of the surgery she decided to proceed and underwent a full abdominoplasty with liposuction of the hips and rectus plication. Her postoperative course was completely unremarkable. Three months after surgery she is quite pleased with her results. Her abdomen is flat, the scar is in a nice position for low riding bathing suits, the stretch marks have been significantly improved and she is back to all normal activity and workouts.