Dr. DeLuca Tuberous Breast Before and After > Periareolar Mastopexy and Augmentation for Mild Tuberous Breasts
This is a 28 year old white female. She is 5’4” and 145lbs. She has not had any children. Her bra size
is a 34A with mild tuberous breast deformity, more so on the left side. She has a short nipple to
inframammory fold distance and a tight lower pole. We discussed the fact that she would need a
classic tuberous breast reconstruction through a periareolar approach, lowering of the crease with
a release of the lower pole and a dual plan augmentation with the periareolar mastopexy. External
sizing was performed and she decided on a 375cc moderate plus silicone prosthesis. Her surgical
procedure and recovery was unremarkable. Photos obtained at two months show that she has had a
nice reconstruction. The breasts are full and natural in appearance with a nicely delineated lower pole.
The nipple/ areola are in proper position and she has nice cleavage in her clothing which she never had
before. She is quite pleased.