Rhinoplasty Before and After > Septorhinoplasty for a large deviated nose

This is a 19 year old young male in good health. He is 5’6” and 145lbs, who two years ago sustained a significantly displaced nasal fracture. It was only partially set in the emergency room and since then he has been left with a markedly deviated nose and septum with a C shaped deformity and airway obstruction. Also the large size of his nose as well as the poor definition to the tip were of concern to him. In order to correct this he underwent an open septorhinoplasty, a takedown of the dorsum, infracturing, submucus resection with release and tipplasty. His postoperative course was unremarkable. Three months postoperatively he had healed nicely. The septum and nose are now straight, his breathing is improved and he is quite pleased with his cosmetic appearance.