Rhinoplasty Before and After > Rhinoplasty - New York

This set of rhinoplasty before and after photos features a 38 year old white female who had been concerned about the appearance of her nose for many years. I had previous performed a rhinoplasty on her cousin 6 months ago and both she and her cousin were quite pleased with the results. On examination, she presented with a long nose, significant dorsal deformity (hump) and a bit of overhang (which was worsened by smiling). She also had some separation/indentation of the tip cartilage (otherwise known as a bifid or ‘cleft’ nasal tip. We corrected these issues with a full, open septorhinoplasty that featured the 7 following adjustments. 1.) The dorsal deformity was taken down and 2.) infractures were performed. 3.) The nose was shortened and 4.) angled slightly upward to create a more delicate/graceful profile and 5.) a tip-plasty was performed to reform the seperation of cartilage in the middle of the bifid/cleft tip. 6.) I also released the septum from the upper lip so that it would no longer be pulled down when she smiled. 7.) Bilateral alar wedge resections were also performed to slightly diminish the size of the nostril opening. Photos taken 3 months after surgery show a well healed and beautifully shaped nose that fits the patient’s face perfectly. The difference is, on the whole, dramatic, yet in the particulars, really quite subtle.