Rhinoplasty Before and After > Rhinoplasty (Nasal Deformity)

This set of before and after photos features a 21 year old white female who has had no previous surgery. She is a nursing student in good health. She is 5’ 2” 120 lbs. Since she was 13 she has been bothered by the appearance of her nose. She has a significant dorsal deformity but a reasonable presentation to her tip. Her breathing was fine. In order to achieve her cosmetic objectives she underwent an open rhinoplasty with a gentle takedown of the dorsal deformity, refinement to the tip, and infracture. Postoperatively she did well. Two months later she has achieved her desired appearance. The nose is more delicate. There is no longer a dorsal deformity with a nice delineation between the dorsum and midtip. The nose appears very natural and fits her face perfectly.