Rhinoplasty Before and After > Rhinoplasty 2014

This is a 24 year old white female. She is 5’2” and 110lbs. She had, for many years been concerned about her nose. She is otherwise in good health with her only previous surgery being for her wisdom teeth. Examination showed that she had a small dorsal deformity with a bit of overhang, a bulbous tip and over all her nose was too large for her delicate face. In order to correct this she underwent an open Rhinoplasty with a takedown of the dorsal deformity, infracturing and a tip plasty to remove the bulbousness. Her postoperative course was unremarkable and photos obtained at six months demonstrate that she has achieved her desired result. Her nose is smaller, more delicate and raised. The tip is more triangular and much less bulbous. The appearance of her nose has significantly improved without having the appearance of a “nose job”.