Mommy Makeover Before and After > Tummy Tuck + Liposuction + Breast Lift + Implants

This set of abdominoplasty before and after photos features a 45 year old woman (5'5", 140lbs) who lost 100lbs 18 months previously following laparoscopic gastric banding. She works out regularly and watches her diet. She had both laxity of the abdominal tissue, weakened muscles and third degree ptosis (drooping) of her breasts. To correct these issues, we proceeded with a full abdominoplasty, liposuction of the hips and a vertical mastopexy with saline implants (375cc filled to 425cc bi-laterally, smooth moderate profile). THree months post-operatively demonstrates a smooth, flat abdomen with great contour, minimal scarring and a pleasing umbilicus (belly button). Her breasts are lifted with good superior fullness and possess an elegant shape. The difference in her appearance in both clothing and bathing suites is dramatic.