Mommy Makeover Before and After > Mommy makeover with mastopexy and abdominoplasty for severe diastasis
This is a 45 year old healthy black female who has hypertension that is well controlled. She is 5’3.5” and
158lbs. She is a non-smoker. She did have two children; one by c-section. As a result of her pregnancies
she has marked weakness of the abdominal wall with a significant diastasis of the rectus muscles causing
her to appear pregnant at all times. It also made it very difficult for her to workout. As far as her breasts
were concerned her bra size was a 36D with ptosis, but she was happy with the overall volume just
wished them to be elevated and tighter. After extensive discussion she decided to proceed with the
mommy makeover knowing that she would need to stay in town for a few days. She underwent a
vertical mastopexy with only a minimal tissue excision and a full abdominoplasty with an aggressive
plication of the rectus muscle. Her postoperative course was unremarkable. Photos obtained at two
months show that she is healing nicely. The breasts are nicely elevated, but have maintained their
fullness. She can now go braless if that is her desire. Her abdomen is markedly improved. She now has
full muscular control and she no longer appears pregnant. The scars are settling in nicely and she will
now gradually begin exercise to further enhance her surgical outcome.