Mommy Makeover Before and After > Mommy Makeover (Tummy Tuck + Breast Lift + 200cc Implants)
This set of mommy makeover before and after photos features a 31 year old healthy Hispanic woman. She is 5' 4" tall 131 lbs and is a non-smoker. She has had 2 children through natural childbirth. Her bra size is a 34 B with second degree ptosis. She desired to be in that small to mid C range. As a result of her 2 pregnancies she has also developed laxity to the abdomen both above and below the umbilicus with stretch marks more so on the lower abdomen and some separation to the rectus fascia in the upper abdominal area. In order to correct her post pregnancy results she underwent a mommy makeover with an augmentation mastopexy utilizing a 200 cc smooth saline prosthesis combined with a full abdominoplasty and liposuction of the hips. Four months later photos show that she has achieved her desired results. The breasts are fuller, sitting higher on her chest without any sign of droop. Her abdomen is flat with a more sculpted waistline. She and her husband are quite pleased with her mommy makeover.