Mommy Makeover Before and After > Mommy Makeover (Breast Lift + Augmentation + Abdominoplasty)
This set of before and after photos features a 44 year old white female 6’ 1” 198 lbs which is stable for her. She is a non smoker. Her bra size is a 36 C with second degree ptosis and her base width is 16 cm. She wished to increase the fullness in her breast to the D cup range. She was also concerned about her abdomen. She had laxity both above and below the umbilicus with some stretch marks and a little fullness in the hips.In order to achieve her desired goal she underwent a mommy makeover with a vertical mastopexy utilizing a 500 cc moderate plus smooth saline prosthesis filled to 540 cc bilaterally. She also underwent a full abdominoplasty with plication and suctioning of the lateral hips. Postoperatively she did well and within several weeks was feeling quite well. She continued to progress and within several months she returned to full exercise, activities, and extended periods at the beach. Photos obtained one year later show how well the mommy makeover has settled in. The scars have lightened nicely and her figure is now more feminine and youthful. She is quite pleased with her outcome.