Mommy Makeover Before and After > Mommy Makeover

This set of mommy makeover before and after photos features a 44 year old female (5’ 2” 117 lbs) who has had no previous major surgery. She works out frequently and is a nonsmoker. She has had 3 children through natural birth and breastfed them all. Her bra size is a 34 A without ptosis but with mild asymmetry, the left breast being ever so slightly larger. She wished to be a bit fuller in the full B possibly small C range. She was also concerned about her abdomen. She had some laxity both above and below the umbilicus in per umbilical area but no redundant fat. She understood that since there was not an exceptional amount of redundancy she would require a small T at the base of her tummy tuck incision in order to prevent upward tension on the scar. She decided to proceed with surgery and underwent a mommy makeover with bilateral sub pectoral augmentation utilizing a 300 cc smooth round saline prosthesis that was filled to 350 cc on the right and 340 cc on the left. She also underwent an abdominoplasty with mild liposuction of the hips. Her postoperative course was unremarkable and two months later she is well healed and has achieved her desired outcome. Her breasts are fuller while maintaining a natural appearance and her abdomen is smooth and flat with no residual per umbilical laxity. She is back to normal activities and is quite pleased.