Face Lift & Neck Lift Before and After > Facelift

This is a 61 year old white female non-smoker who for several years has been concerned with facial aging. Her daughter was getting married and she wished to look refreshed and more youthful prior to the happy occasion. Examination showed hooding of the upper eyelids without a great deal of excess fat, but on the lower she had significant puffiness. She also demonstrated classic signs of facial aging with loss of mid face fullness, jowl formation and submental fat deposits without platisma banding. In order to correct this she underwent an upper lid blepharoplasty with skin excision and a small strip of orbicularis muscle and a transconjuctival lower blepharoplasty for the herniated fat. She also underwent a full facelift with SMAS plication as well as submental and neck liposuction. Her postoperative course was uneventful and she was back to normal activities within a few weeks. Photos obtained at 3 months show significant improvement in her facial appearance. She now has a rested and more youthful presentation without looking over operated upon. She is very happy with the results and is all set for the upcoming wedding.