Arm Lift Before and After > Arm Lift After Weight Loss

This set of brachioplasty before and after photos features a 49 year old woman from New York who presented with lax skin in both the upper arms and lower face (not pictured) as a result of significant weight loss. Active workouts which greatly improved the shape and tone of the underlying muscles had little effect on the surrounding skin. The sagging was especially uncomfortable and noticeable in clothing and this bothered her a great deal. To correct all of this, the patient underwent an arm lift (brachioplasty) and neck lift (not pictured). Photos taken 3 months later show a well healed and much improved arm. The scaring is minimal (and will continue to fade over time) and her arms possess a tight and symmetric appearance that shows off the underlying muscle tone instead of hiding it. The transition from the upper to lower arm is smooth and graded. The patient is especially happy that she can now wear sleeveless outfits without concern.